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How to write a good article


How to write a good article

Each person who contributes articles and editing articles have writing styles vary. This contributes to the uniqueness and privilege held by the contributors themselves. Nevertheless, with regard to the selection of words and terms should still get major attention by the contributors.

There are two styles of writing that is deemed appropriate for Wikipedia articles. Furthermore, the author should always consider that the tone of the writing is the official (formal), cold (impersonal), and neutral (unbiased: takbias, not emotional, and clean of prejudice).

Some contributors suggest the use of news writing style. This style is the style of prose to the news on newspaper front pages or news bulletins broadcast on radio and television.

Main characteristic is the placement of important information at the beginning, and less important information follows in tow. This form is intended initially for the editors to cut the bottom of the news when the news was lack of space in the layout, style gives priority to important information because most people require critical information immediately, while less important information can be searched later.

Style summary

Style is a style of writing summaries that resemble the style of news, but it applies to present the topics which will be explained later. This style is used to initiate the subsections, subsections, paragraphs are not new.

The basic idea of this style is to distribute information to readers who expect some detailed information. Readers can decide for themselves whether they will read the details provided or simply a summary at the beginning.

There are two main reasons to use summary style. The first is the reader requires a degree of detail varies: some readers just want a short summary (which can read the introductory course), other readers who require more information (in summary style here that can help), and readers who are interested in the details deep-subsections to read the accompanying subsections. Another reason is that the article is too long and threatened to complicate the reading experience unnecessary repetition.


Wikipedia articles, and other encyclopaedic contents of the article, should be written in a formal tone. The standards for official tone is not uniform because it depends on the subject are discussed. It is advisable to follow the style used by reliable sources, while still keeping the article clear and easily understood. Official tone means that the article should not be written using the jargon, a complex language such as legal language, argot (words that can only be understood by a particular group or class), or language that taxa, and fled. Indonesian language used should be clear, concise, and effective.

Articles should not be written from the viewpoint of the first or second person. This article is written like this often times removed. First person pronouns like "I" or "we" implying the point of view that is inconsistent with the neutral point of view. Even so "we" may be used in the context of mathematics. Pronouns such as "you", "you", or "you" often appears in the instructions for use, and therefore not suitable for an encyclopedia. First person pronoun and the second should be used only in direct quotes in the article that are relevant to the subject under discussion.

Indonesian in general knows no gender. But if you find the word sexed, and there are alternative words that can be used without gender, choose the word. For example, choose the word "child", not "son" or "princess" when gender information is not required.

Punctuation suppression only may appear under the general agreement in practice everyday. ("!") exclamation mark should be used only in direct quotations.

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