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How to properly treat rabbits

How to properly treat rabbits



Rabbit cage should be safe from a variety of weather such as heat, cold, wind and moisture.
State of the cage floor should always be dry and comfortable for the rabbit, as well as providing a sanitary or rempat rabbit droppings.
Avoid placing rabbits in large quantities in a narrow cage, so it should be mistaken about the placement of large number of rabbits according to his cage.


In providing vegetables do not in the form of "fresh" in a state must make sure not to wilt and rot (not to be given directly from the fridge). The process of withering useful to enhance crude fiber content, also to remove sap or toxins that can cause cramps or diarrhea (rabbit unless you eat the plants from the wild)

For additional food can you give pur birds chirping (a measure of 70% vegetables, 30% pur birds) or can be mixed with rice bran, various kinds of vegetables were given little water, stirred and then given to rabbits

There are some other things about Hars observed in a rabbit doing maintenance in addition to the above sebelunmya ...
Among others:

  • Should rabbits be released in the yard, let them play with their food while eating, and put back into the cage in the afternoon.
  • Young rabbit or a child, you should not be too much worn or held-held, this will make the rabbit becomes stressed.
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